Montessori Method

“Education for life”

Child Centred

“Believe in the child”

Legacy of Love

“Of all things, love is the most potent”

About Us

The Growing Tree is a Montessori preschool offering programmes, which fully adopt the Montessori philosophy. We firmly believe that every child is unique, and we welcome their diversity and their individual growth during the first six important years of their life.

Our goal is to guide, nurture and support the development of the child’s full potential. This is accomplished by offering an environment equipped with Montessori and developmentally appropriate materials that provides for the child’s inner needs and a team of nurturing and experienced early childhood educators.

Dr. Maria Montessori observed that young children develop their own personalities through the choices they make while interacting with thei…


” Montessori is an education for independence, preparing not just for school, but for life “
Maria Montessori


Toddler (1½ to 2½ years old)

The children enter the Toddler programme at 18 months old and stay until they are around 2½ years old. At this age, most children are ready to explore and the objective of this programme is to provide the child with a lea…

Nursery (2½ to 4 years old)

During their time in the Nursery programme, the children are introduced to the Montessori Method. The carefully prepared environment is filled with a variety of Montessori materials, which are presented with a learning objec…

Enrichment (2 to 4 years old)

We offer enrichment activities which include: Mandarin, Speech and Drama, Art, Roboti…

Giving Tree

Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation Charity Food & Funfair

Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation (“KDSF”) held their annual Charity Food & Funfair at their national centre in Taman Sea, Petaling Jaya on Sunday, 6th of September 2015. KD…

Faisal Cup…the Finals

For our first Giving Tree project we partnered with the NGO Dignity for Children Foundation. Dignity organises an annual sports event called Faisal Cup, which is a football and netball tournament for child…

Story of Faisal Cup

The Faisal Cup was started by Dignity for Children and is a football and netball tournament to act as a voice of freedom and opportunity for underprivileged children. The Faisal Cup was birthed out of trage…